10" Standing Black Bear by Wishpets
11” Red Wolf by Wishpets
6" Moose with Sound by Wishpets
9" Black Bear Hand Puppet by Wishpets
9½” Buffalo by Wishpets
Brown Bat by Wishpets
Chubby Bear by Wishpets
Curling Rattle Snack with Rattle by Wishpets
Fishing Bear with Vest & Hat by Wishpets
Floppy Black Bear-10 inch by Wishpets
Floppy Bobcat- 11 inches by Wishpets
Floppy Fox by Wishpets
Floppy Moose- 24 inches by Wishpets
Frosty Softy Sitting Moose by Wishpets
Gray Wolf by Wishpets
Grizzly Bear by Wishpets
Loveable Bison
Loveable Bison by Wishpets
Loveable Black Bear by Wishpets
Loveable Moose by Wishpets
Ram with Corduroy Horns by Wishpets
Sitting Big Foot Black Bear with Plaid Hat by Wishpets
Sitting Moose with Red Plaid Jacket by Wishpets